
The EMEA Recruitment podcast, in partnership with Operation Smile, welcomes a variety of inspirational guests, discussing their careers, life advice, and wisdom for our listeners.


When more is not better- Roger Martin

It was an honour for EMEA Recruitment to welcome Roger Martin as a guest on our podcast recently. In 2017, Roger Martin was named the world's #1 management thinker by Thinkers50, a biannual ranking of the most influential global business thinkers. He was ranked 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th in the other ranking years over the past decade. Roger is a trusted strategy advisor to the CEOs of companies worldwide including Procter & Gamble, Lego and Ford.
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Co-Author of Go for No! Speaker & Virtual Trainer- Andrea

"Allow yourself permission to fail" EMEA Recruitment were honoured to welcome the author of International best seller "Go for No!" as a guest onto our podcast earlier this year. This is a great listen for anyone looking for inspiration to push themselves out of their comfort zones, and to embrace rejection rather than fearing it.
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How to win with others- Abbe Luersman

"I want to be the best I can be and make my parents proud" EMEA Recruitment were honoured to welcome Abbe Luersman from Ahold Delhaize as a guest on the EMEA Recruitment podcast recently. This is a great interview, with lots of valuable and thought provoking insights from Abbe, who won CHRO of the year in 2018.
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Wies Bratby- Chief Enthusiasm Officer, Women In Negotiation

"It's my life's mission to help women negotiate their worth." EMEA Recruitment were honoured to welcome Wies Bratby as a guest on our recent podcast. Originally from The Netherlands and having lived in different countries, she now calls Switzerland home. Through her coaching and consulting practice Women In Negotiation, she helps women across the world realise their worth, communicate it and get them the positions and salaries they want through her online group coaching program Women In Negotiation.?
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The challenges of working internationally- Erik Neutzner

"Just go for it & be bold!"EMEA Recruitment were delighted to welcome Erik Neutzner from Liberty Global as a guest on our podcast recently.In this episode, the focus is very much on learning, development and career progression. You will find some great advice here for anyone looking to emulate Erik's fantastic career across a range of different countries, which he refers to as his "International tour".
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The importance of agility and learning skills when hiring- Alex Davies

We are delighted to publish our next podcast at EMEA Recruitment with Alex Davies, Global Talent Partner HQ at ABB in Zurich.We covered some great things in our podcast, including:The changing pace of technology and challenges that Talent Acquisition needs to adapt to as a resultThe half life of degrees and how this impacts on hiring decisions around learning agilityHow to recruit based on potentialSome great advice for external recruiters to build a long term relationship with clients from Alex?£?s experience of working in both internal & external recruitment across the G
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