Marcel Hagmann - Fundraising / Marketing Director - Amnesty International

04 November, 2014

Marcel has been working in the NGO sector for 28 years and is the Fundraising/Marketing Director of Amnesty International. In his spare time Marcel enjoys mountain biking and skiing and ran in 7 marathons. He has also played Tennis at an International level. To relax he enjoys jazz and gourmet foods.

When did you decide to explore a career in this area and why?

I first studied Theology and worked within a church for 5 years providing advice to others. This led me to want to help  more people that are disadvantaged and I wanted to become more of a direct influence.

Most rewarding part of your role?

Seeing the success from a project within a local community through leadership. Also working with like-minded people within my development role, this is of course a very interesting scope of work.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? (work and personal)

Work – In 2002 I was heading the "Jimmy Carter Work Project" and we managed to build 100 houses with seven thousand volunteers. We had 5 Presidents assisting us and a Jimmy Carter was there every morning from 7am lending a hand!

Personal – I think that's still to come!   

What would be your advice to someone aspiring to be where you are now?

Not to expect to take shortcuts, studying does help but immerse yourself within the people and learn from them. Courage is key and not to be led by those more opinionated be courageous and make your own decisions.   

What are your internal drivers and why?

I always think it's my understanding of justice and injustice, even from an early age I was more interested in becoming friends with the more multicultural kids!

Who is your most inspirational person in business and why?

I don't have one person in business but am always inspired when people think of innovate ideas and make things happen regardless of sector.

Why are you excited to be working for Amnesty International?

I have always been impressed with the Amnesty brand, Amnesty have great access to public figures which opens doors which motivates me. Because Amnesty work more on policy, advocacy and lobbying this has a bigger impact for change.  

What books / blogs are you currently reading?

I read articles from local communities on projects we're working with and LinkedIn is great for Fundraising updates and news. I prefer up to the minute information and interactive knowledge.

What challenges are awaitIing your business and how do you hope to overcome them?

Strategically we are trying to increase our global presence as power and problems are shifting worldwide all the time. Fundraising in Switzerland is saturated, it's always a challenge to retain supporters/donors and to ensure that we don't just gain their support for one cause but become lifelong members of Amnesty.

What has been your worst / best interview experience?

Best interview I've conducted was meeting a candidate who was so good, I offered them another role that was still in signoff stage, this candidate was excellent and we just couldn't pass up the opportunity of not having him on the team. It was a little risky but saved us time and money on the recruitment stage of that role.


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