Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Giving every client and candidate the best recruitment experience

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EMEA Recruitment is committed to promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the workplace.

We act as a neutral third party in the recruitment process, basing our candidate searches on skills and experience. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, sex, relationship status, disability, race, religion/beliefs, or sexual orientation.

We champion candidates based on their skills and experience, promote an equitable hiring process, and challenge bias from our clients.

We work proactively with clients to understand the impact of explicit and implicit bias on the hiring process, and to avoid stereotyping and discrimination.

We also raise awareness of cultural holidays, historical events, and the experiences of marginalised groups among our staff and network, to keep them informed of differences and promote an inclusive world.

ED&I Training

Valentina Coco, EMEA Recruitment’s Ambassador, leads our in-house ED&I training. She equips our Recruitment Consultants with the knowledge and skills on how to challenge bias, including their own explicit or implicit biases, and educate others on how to approach these conversations to ultimately champion the benefits of a diverse and inclusive environment, such as higher performance, better decision making and stronger growth.

Valentina runs in-depth sessions with all EMEA Recruitment employees every year, but also provides consultancy services to answer questions or support with any issues that arise.

You can learn more about our in-house training sessions focusing on bias and how to speak to clients about D&I.


We regularly host events across our international network to explore ED&I with senior leaders and professionals interested in learning more about this topic. By sharing our own experiences and hearing from others, we create a safe, inclusive environment in which everyone’s voice is heard.

Some of our most recent events include:

  • The Relevance of an ED&I Strategy and How to Implement It
  • Unveiling Unconscious Bias in Talent Acquisition
  • Where Should D&I sit in a Company?

If you are interested in attending similar events in the future, please email [email protected] with the topics you would be interested in and the country you are based in.

Talent Attraction

To attract talent to our clients’ roles, we ensure the language we use in our job advertisements does not discriminate, to encourage applications from a diverse pool of professionals.

Our Inclusive Linguistics guidelines identify certain words that may deter specific groups from applying for a role, so we change this language to suitable alternatives.

Where possible, we remain flexible in a role’s requirements, to make sure that candidates do not feel excluded from a suitable position.

We also encourage inclusion of salary packages on job advertisements, to prevent a pay gap for minorities and to remain transparent with all applicants.

Through LinkedIn, we track our response rate to InMails by gender, in order to address any imbalances and the language used by our Consultants.

We track our response rate by gender and inform staff of any imbalances to address them. In the six months to July 2023, we are proud to report a gap of just 4%.

Candidate Selection

EMEA Recruitment selects suitable candidates for clients’ roles based solely on their skills and experience.

Before submitting a candidate to a client, we remove any characteristics such as age, gender, sex, relationship status, disability, race, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation from CVs to prevent discrimination. This also prevents any box-ticking exercises from clients.

For clients that are looking to diversify employees across their business, we can provide market mapping and talent pooling services. These bespoke exercises ensure businesses have access to a diverse range of candidates that would fit with the culture of the organisation, regardless of their age, gender, sex, relationship status, disability, race, religion/beliefs, or sexual orientation.


Latest Insights

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AI in Recruitment: Enhancing Efficiency, Not Replacing Humans

As the prevalence of Artificial Intelligence increases, businesses are aiming to automate processes and improve efficiency, with the Recruitment industry beginning to tap into this. From talent identification to candidate updates, could AI significantly impact the future of recruitment specialists? We argue that AI is best considered a supporting tool and should not replace the role of specialist recruitment consultants.

HR and Talent divisions are already exploring AI tools to streamline administrative aspects of recruitment processes, such as writing job adverts and automating key processes. One potential benefit is that the introduction of AI frees up valuable time to be better invested in the end-to-end candidate, ensuring a more personalised approach from the recruiter or hiring manager. And, as AI continues to develop, it has the potential to eliminate human bias in the hiring process, ensuring greater diversity in the workforce.

However, talent attraction and hiring managers should not rely solely on AI during recruitment processes.

Impersonal approaches leave a negative impression on prospective employees and can lead to top talent being inadvertently rejected during the screening process. Whilst AI has huge potential, it's unable to currently replicate human understanding of cultural and 'soft-skill' compatibility that an experienced recruiter brings. The importance of a people-first approach will remain significant over time.

At EMEA Recruitment, we use AI-enabled tools to maximise reach in early-stage candidate search and, in doing so, spend a greater proportion of time focussed on delivering best-in-class candidate and client experience throughout the process. There’s no doubt that AI will continue to play a supporting role in our mission to be ‘the bastion of people-first recruitment’ - but it will never take centre stage.

To learn more about how we can leverage AI to support your talent needs, get in touch: [email protected]

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The Work from Home Data is Coming In

Nick Bloom, a professor at Stanford University, has been confirming what a lot of our LinkedIn polls have been telling us for some time now: the corporate world appears to have settled into a “three work, two home” split of hybrid work.

He adds that employers commonly recommend that employees spend two days per week working from home, concentrating on individual tasks or attending small meetings, and allocate three days a week to be in the office for larger meetings, training sessions, and social events.

We now know that this flexibility has no effect (positive or negative) on staff productivity. However, it does impact employee costs – the average salary offset in offering hybrid work is 8%. Fully remote work is a different story. Here, we see a productivity loss of 10%.

So, why would companies tolerate this significant reduction?

Cost – there is no need to pay for a place for the person to work or provide any of the office equipment and amenities.

There are several other interesting observations from Nick’s work, but we are really interested in how this affects our clients and candidates.

Additionally, it's important to note that while there can be cost savings, there are also potential costs associated with supporting remote/hybrid work, such as investing in technology, cybersecurity measures, and employee training.

The overall impact can vary depending on the specific circumstances and industry. Prior to implementing hybrid policies, executives and managers should carefully consider the effects of when and how employees engage in remote work.

- How does working from home affect employees in your team?

- Do you work in an environment where you need more freedom, or you could benefit from more human contact?

If these questions are important to you, then get in touch – EMEA Recruitment is at the forefront of people-first recruitment, so we can help you understand the real-world implications of the decisions you make, as a client or a candidate, regarding this topic: [email protected]

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More International Businesses Moving to Switzerland

As a recruiter, EMEA Recruitment has always been close to new companies setting up in Switzerland and has enjoyed helping them grow. Mike Baldwin, Associate Director, discusses the market in more detail...

Over the last few years, this market has experienced uncertainty and turbulence, which has led to hesitance in the market, resulting in a slowdown of new companies moving to Switzerland between 2020 and 2022.

However, the winds are changing, and momentum is growing - we are very much experiencing an influx of new international businesses to Switzerland. This has created excellent opportunities for those at all levels, as businesses set up new offices and establish Swiss headquarters.

Most recently, our recruitment teams have successfully sourced top talent for multi-national businesses creating their headquarters in the country.

Some of the benefits of relocating or setting up a business in Switzerland include the political and economic stability, its strategic position at the heart of Europe, and competitive corporate tax rates.

Furthermore, Switzerland offers a skilled workforce, and its educational system is renowned for producing well-trained workers. Current in-demand professionals are those who have local expertise and knowledge, who can build business functions with an international outlook.

However, if you have found it difficult to make the next career step over the last few years, you are not alone, and this is typical in the market we have experienced. Fortunately, we feel that 2024 will be a year of opportunity for finding highly rated accounting jobs, supply chain jobs and finance jobs in Switzerland.

Growing industries we have identified span across fintech, life sciences and biotechnology, AI and machine learning, smart manufacturing, and environmental and sustainability consulting. It's important to note that Switzerland's business landscape can vary by region, with major business hubs in cities like Zurich, Geneva, and Basel.

If you’d like to discuss setting up a new team or finding a new role yourself, please reach out to me and I will be happy to help: [email protected]

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The Value of the Handshake

Given we are in the people business here at EMEA Recruitment, it is no surprise that personal relationships and the development of our network is fundamental to everything we do. The best way to achieve this? Traditionally, it was to meet in person, spend quality time face-to-face, and build trust and rapport – but then 2020 happened!

The shift to Zoom, MS Teams, etc. has been articulated more times than we care to remember, and the consensus is that it has brought benefits and conveniences to the workplace that were otherwise unthought of.

But how invaluable is it to meet physically? How powerful is a handshake? Are we programmed to exclusively build deep, meaningful relationships in this way?

With the summer period at an end, we’ve seen an uptick in requests and willingness to connect again in person – whether it’s over a coffee, lunch, or simply an office meeting to visit our clients’ and candidates’ place of work to talk through their latest project or hiring needs. Time and again, we see that this approach solidifies relationships, allows a deeper understanding of any needs, and deeper conversations with added insights.

Yes, the online connection remains fundamental – it may even make up 90% of communications with our network – but taking that remaining 10% to a physical meeting, eyeballing your network, and shaking hands solidifies the relationship more than ever.

Also, if you are meeting people face-to-face for the first time, The Beckman Institute reports that, according to new neuroscience research, people who greeted with a handshake formed a better first impression than those who do not offer a handshake, and performing a handshake reduces the impact of possible misunderstandings during social interaction - something to keep in mind. 

If you’d like to book a meeting – in person or face-to-face – with one of our Consultants, please get in touch with Neil, who manages our Procurement, Supply Chain & Operations recruitment team: [email protected]

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Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Last month, we held our second ED&I roundtable, Neurodiversity at Work: For Flourishing People and Organisations, in partnership with Joanna Williams, Founder of Flourish. Keely Straw, Manager of our HR team in Switzerland, reflects on the event...

The roundtable focused on:

WHAT is neurodiversity: in general and at work?

WHY does it matter?

HOW can neuroinclusive workplaces foster individual and organisational flourishing?

It was a very open and honest discussion that started with:

If you don’t understand the language someone is using, you can’t have a conversation.

That line resonated with me quite a lot, especially when considering one of our core values here at EMEA Recruitment – to listen.

It is also essential to understand how we, as a recruiter, can adapt our processes to ensure that we listen and understand those who are talking.

Recruiting neurodiverse talent and creating a neuroinclusive recruitment process is an important step towards building a diverse and inclusive workforce. Here are some tips to help you in this process:

Educate your team: Ensure that your HR team and hiring managers are educated about neurodiversity. Understanding different neurodiverse conditions, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, is crucial to making informed decisions.

Remove bias: Implement processes and tools that help reduce bias in your hiring process. This includes using structured interviews, standardised assessments, and anonymised resume screening to focus on skills and qualifications, rather than personal characteristics.

Neurodiversity-friendly job descriptions: Craft job descriptions that are clear, concise, and free from overly complex language. Highlight the skills and competencies required for the role and avoid vague or subjective language.

Flexible application process: Consider offering alternative ways for candidates to apply, such as video submissions or skills assessments, in addition to traditional written resumes and cover letters. This can accommodate candidates with different communication styles and abilities.

Awareness training: Provide training to all staff involved in the recruitment process to increase awareness and understanding of neurodiversity. This can help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for candidates.

Accessible interview formats: Allow candidates to choose interview formats that suit their needs. Some neurodiverse candidates may perform better in written tests, while others may prefer in-person or video interviews. Flexibility is key.

Structured interviews: Use structured interviews with predetermined questions and evaluation criteria to ensure fairness and consistency in the assessment process. This reduces the likelihood of making decisions based on personal biases.

Feedback and communication: Provide constructive feedback to candidates, whether they are successful or not. This can help candidates improve their skills and feel valued in the process. Be clear and specific in your feedback.

Lead by example: Demonstrate your commitment to neuroinclusivity from the top down. When leadership actively promotes and supports neurodiversity initiatives, it sets the tone for the entire organisation.

Creating a neuroinclusive recruitment process is an ongoing effort that requires commitment and dedication.

EMEA Recruitment is embracing neurodiversity. We can help you tap into a pool of talented individuals who can bring unique perspectives and skills to your organisation.

I would be keen to hear your thoughts across the market and understand if you would be interested in future roundtable events, either dedicated to ED&I or broader HR topics.

In addition, I would welcome the opportunity to hear your thoughts on neurodiversity and how this compares with the general market consensus.

Please feel free to contact me directly to see how we can support you: [email protected] 

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Ghosting in Recruitment: Gen Z’s Impact on Communication

A recent survey by the job search site Indeed, involving 1,500 companies and an equal number of employees, unveiled surprising statistics about "ghosting".

Ghosting: The practice of suddenly ending all communication without warning or explanation and avoiding further attempts to communicate.

The survey revealed that 75% of workers have disregarded communication from potential employers over the past year, with Gen Z candidates at the forefront. A staggering 93% of these younger employees have missed interviews, and 87% have accepted job offers only to disappear on what should have been their first day.

This trend highlights a deeper issue within the recruitment sector - a broad dissatisfaction among job seekers, especially younger ones, with the level of communication from potential employers.

The findings from Indeed suggest that for many Gen Zers, ghosting is a means to assert control over their career paths, reacting to the frequent lack of feedback after submitting job applications or participating in interviews.

Against this backdrop, our commitment to a people-first recruitment strategy is not just a principle but a proactive solution to a significant industry problem. By ensuring clear and consistent communication with candidates, we address one of their major grievances, thereby promoting greater engagement and respect in the hiring process. This strategy meets the expectations of modern job seekers, who demand openness and dialogue.

The ghosting phenomenon, as the survey shows, is a reaction against traditional, often impersonal recruitment methods, highlighting the need to cultivate authentic relationships with candidates. By striving to respond to every candidate, whether after an application, an interview, or a job offer, employers can not only improve their image as thoughtful and dependable recruiters but also contribute to a more respectful and efficient hiring environment.

In a time when ghosting has become a widespread reaction to dissatisfaction, our people-first philosophy is not just a policy - it's a commitment to transform the recruitment experience.

If you are a candidate seeking a more respectful and engaging job search experience or a company eager to transform its recruitment approach into a people-first strategy, contact our team for a confidential discussion: [email protected] 

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Our vision

We create relationships to advance your ambitions, making us the bastion of people-first recruitment in Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Nordics and the wider EMEA region.

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Giving every candidate and client the best recruitment experience.

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Our values

Our values are a foundation for the way we work with both clients and candidates, ensuring we always put people first.

We make it our mission to understand the challenge and provide the solution.
We think creatively to inspire innovation and solve recruitment challenges.
We create relationships to advance your ambitions.
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