Securing a Job in the Digital Age: Don't Just Hit Apply

23 March, 2021

EMEA Recruitment recently joined our career development partner, Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), for its Inside Talk webinar series.

We presented at the Securing a Job in the Digital Age: Don’t Just Hit Apply event on Monday 22nc March 2021, and went into further detail on some of the topics covered in a previous talk at the IMA’s Management Accounting conference.  

Even if you’re not actively searching for a new role, we explained the importance of actively putting in the groundwork now to be in a better position when you do want or need a new job.

Sharing our thoughts with delegates, we stated that: “Sometimes we’re lucky and jobs fall into our laps, but usually there’s been some hard work that’s gone on in the background. If you want to have a competitive edge over candidates in the market, you need to take control of your career.”

We began the presentation by discussing career planning and gave attendees five questions that they could ask themselves after the event, in order to start plotting out their career goals.

We also gave advice on updating your CV/resume and getting the first impression of yourself right to a potential employer.

Looking at applying for jobs digitally, we explained the importance of using LinkedIn as an online CV/resume, and how this can help recruiters find you on the platform or assist you when applying for roles.

However, we warned against solely relying on LinkedIn’s Easy Apply feature, insisting that it’s always worth putting time into a full application.

The presentation finished with a focus on preparing for interviews, especially how to succeed at video calls in the current market. We equipped attendees with a checklist and key takeaway points to help them kickstart their career plans.

A question-and-answer session was hosted by Terry Mormile, the Director of Educational Initiatives & Career Services at IMA.

Members of the audience asked about the following:

  • What to do about gaps in your resume
  • If you need to write a cover letter
  • Where to make the cut-off on your CV if you’ve had a long career
  • Advice for people who’ve moved to another country
  • Whether recruiters look at frequently changing jobs poorly

If you wish to discuss career planning in more detail, please contact either:

John Byrne, CH Country Director, if you are in Switzerland: [email protected]

Richard Bailey, Managing Director, if you are located in the Netherlands: [email protected] 

Paul Toms, Founder of EMEA Recruitment, if you are in the Nordics: [email protected]