
Tips to Maintain Your Mental Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown

Tips to Maintain Your Mental Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown

Without a doubt, due to COVID-19, we are currently experiencing an unprecedented situation, unlike anything most of us have experienced in our lifetimes before. At EMEA Recruitment we hope that all of our clients, partners, contacts, readers and their families are all safe and well during these difficult times.  

Across the EMEA region, the pandemic has resulted in governments limiting social contact and encouraging people to stay and work at home for their own safety and the safety of others. For many people, working from home during this period of social distancing may bring many benefits in terms of work/life balance, flexibility and not having to commute, which we will cover in more detail in an article later this week.

However, everybody recognises that the advice given to us by officials has turned our daily lives upside down. For some people, this is an anxious and worrying time, with mental health charity SANE reporting a sharp increase in calls since the pandemic began, with over 80% of them citing worries about coronavirus.

Therefore, we feel it is important that society encourages best-practice to help people stay as happy and mentally healthy as possible. Below, we’ve put together a number of tips to maintaining your mental well-being while working and living in isolation. 

Stay connected with others

Advances in modern technology during the last 15 years mean that even though you cannot see colleagues, friends and relatives in person, you don’t have to feel lonely while practicing social-distancing. 

  • Organise video chats with people you’d usually see in person. Video chats are about as close as you can possibly be to spending time with somebody in person. At EMEA, we have used our virtual meeting room platform EMEA Live to organise activities such as a virtual team beer meeting last Friday and virtual pyjama parties. One of our consultants even organised a virtual dinner with their friends in Italy! 
  • If video calls aren’t possible, organise phone calls and keep in contact through instant messaging
  • If they don’t already, encourage your workplace to take advantage of the digital tools available to aid home-working - Use Zoom, Odro, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Skype or any other means to stay in contact with your colleagues to make sure home-working is effective and less stressful
  • Use the time at home to spend quality time with loved ones
  • For some, spending so much time at home may cause tension and anxiety. If this is the case, try to use the time to strengthen relationships with your family or housemates

Keep active

Going to the gym is a key pastime for many people in order to maintain mental well-being, and although gyms may be closed across the world currently, it is still vital to keep active as much as possible. Make sure to check government guidelines, and if they permit you to do so, go for a walk or jog outside each day, or use exercise equipment in the home if you have it.

However, not everyone is able to go outside currently, and not everyone has exercise equipment in their home; in which case it’s important to try and incorporate simple physical activities into your daily routine. This can be done in a number of ways:

  • Clean your home - Just simple housework can get you moving around the house and only requires equipment everybody has in their home
  • Climb up and down the stairs 
  • Do some gardening  
  • Watch and take part in online exercise video courses
  • Set a reminder to get up out of your seat every hour - Try not to get bogged down in your office chair, and make sure to get up and get active when you’ve been sitting still for too long

Maintain a healthy, regular routine

It can sometimes be difficult to maintain your usual routine when working from home, and it could be especially difficult while self-isolating. You could be going to bed later, getting up earlier or struggling to sleep all-together.

  • Try to follow your ordinary routine as much as possible. Get out of bed at the same time as normal, follow your usual morning routines, wear your usual office clothes and go to bed at the usual time
  • If you don’t like your daily routine, now is an opportunity to change it; Go to bed earlier, spend more time cooking healthy food, develop a better work/life balance etc. 
  • If you are finding it difficult to sleep or struggling with your daily routine due to anxiety, make sure to talk to someone rather than suffering alone 
  • Write down your new routine, set alarms on your phone to remind you to do things at certain times, or pin it to your wall to make sure you’re constantly reminded of it

Stay Mentally Stimulated & Get Some Fresh Air

While you may be stuck inside and have limited ability to go outdoors, its still important for your mental wellbeing to expose yourself to some fresh air, sunlight and nature. Furthermore, spending time indoors doesn’t have to be seen in a negative light, it presents a unique opportunity for us to do something different.   

  • Use the isolation period as an opportunity to pick up a new hobby. Learn to play a new musical instrument, start cooking or baking, take up painting or crocheting or any activity you would enjoy. This is the perfect time to do something you’ve always wanted to do but hadn’t previously had the time to do
  • Read books and magazines, listen to podcasts and watch films - Keep your mind stimulated even when you’ve finished your work
  • Have a clear-out of old things to donate to a cause of your choice
  • If you can’t leave the house or sit in your garden, make sure you open a window or door to let in some fresh air, and set-up your desk in front of a window with a view of the sky so you can receive some sunlight
  • Having exposure to green environments and nature in your daily routine can improve your mood, relieve stress and anxiety, and increase relaxation - Therefore try and incorporate it into your routine by listening to nature sounds while working, putting up photos of your favourite natural places or growing indoor plants!  Youtube has a wide variety of natural soundscapes to listen to, and even office background noise if you’re missing your colleagues!

Limit Your Exposure to News and Be Mindful 

Of course, with the situation changing so quickly at the moment, everybody is trying to keep up to date with the latest news, advice and figures, but it’s all too easy to become anxious and worried by reading negative news, and to add to this, social media is unfortunately very effective at spreading fake-news, some of which can not only encourage bad practice, but also cause even greater distress to those reading. Therefore:

  • Make sure to check where the information you’re reading is sourced from, and try to stick to trusted, certified websites
  • Try to limit the amount of time you spend watching or reading news which makes you feel anxious
  • Set a specific time each day as part of your routine to get updates
  • Social media is obviously a great tool for keeping updated with people and news, but consider using tools such as Screen Time to limit the amount of time you spend scrolling through your feed

Use the APPLE Technique

If you are feeling anxious or worried during the Coronavirus pandemic, mental wellbeing charities recommend using the APPLE technique, this is as follows:

  • Acknowledge: Notice and acknowledge the uncertainty as it comes to mind.
  • Pause: Don't react as you normally do. Don't react at all. Pause and breathe.
  • Pull back: Tell yourself this is just the worry talking, and this apparent need for certainty is not helpful and not necessary. It is only a thought or feeling. Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are not statements or facts.
  • Let go: Let go of the thought or feeling. It will pass. You don't have to respond to them. You might imagine them floating away in a bubble or cloud.
  • Explore: Explore the present moment, because right now, in this moment, all is well. Notice your breathing and the sensations of your breathing. Notice the ground beneath you. Look around and notice what you see, what you hear, what you can touch, what you can smell. Right now. Then shift your focus of attention to something else - on what you need to do, on what you were doing before you noticed the worry, or do something else - mindfully with your full attention.

These are concerning times for everybody, but it’s important to remember that we will get through them together. By looking out for one another, following government advice, ensuring hygiene and maintaining your mental wellbeing, we can get through to the other side of this crisis. 

At EMEA Recruitment, it’s still business as usual as our consultants are working from home. We’ll be keeping you up to date with more updates during the next few weeks, so keep an eye on our news & events section for more information. 


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International Women's Day 2020: Roundtable Discussion

International Women's Day 2020: Roundtable Discussion

To mark this Sunday’s International Women’s Day (IWD), our Managing Director, Richard Bailey, carried out a roundtable discussion with Anna Moizio, Emma Feneley, and our Associate Director, Georgia Wright all pictured to the left.

In the this International Women's Day roundtable, Richard asks our team a range of questions revolving around IWD. The team then discuss their thoughts and experiences with regards to attitudes towards women in the workplace and beyond, including what IWD means to them individually and how they would like it to progress in the future. 

Rich: The very first National Women’s Day was held in New York City in 1909. The UN were next to recognise International Women's Day in 1975. I’m sure women’s rights and levels of equality have benefited from these initiatives over many years, but what are your views on IWD and how has it helped women globally?

Georgia: It’s a big question. I think IWD is open to interpretation and means different things to different people. For me, it’s fundamentally about respect and appreciation of each other. To have a specific day to help focus everyone’s mind globally is so powerful.

Emma: It’s a great initiative; it’s a platform to celebrate the achievements of women. It’s wonderful that it has become a truly global day.

Georgia: It is brilliant for IWD to gain global acknowledgement beyond western countries, for example, China holding an official holiday on IWD for women.

Emma: I worry that there is still a need for it to exist. It’s quite sad that globally we still need to promote equality for women. The statistics showing the number of female versus male CEOs don’t show equality and, likewise, the proportion of female politicians is very poor across the world.

Anna: I find it sad that it is still newsworthy when a woman achieves a senior position in society or in business. I wish we did not feel the need to have to promote this as news.

Rich: How has IWD helped?

Emma: I personally do not feel blocked in my everyday life from achieving anything, but I am aware this isn’t the case for all women, in the UK or elsewhere. Hence, the work that IWD has and will continue to do to raise awareness is of paramount importance.

Anna: In my early career in Italy, I felt that when I had interviews, my life was being addressed more than it is now. Asking about family plans and marriage was a common occurrence, and I’m happy that it does not happen that often anymore. I’m convinced that IWD contributed to this international change of attitude.  

Georgia: I still occasionally have clients question women about their family plans. I hope IWD continues to promote good practice in the workplace.  

Rich: #EachforEqual is the 2020 theme for IWD, how do you personally hope it is interpreted?

Anna: IWD is presenting a broader theme beyond the business community, which I think is great. It’s not about being a woman, it’s about everyone, and how everyone is allowed a voice in society. Everyone should be supported, and I hope #EachforEqual will make it possible for voices to be heard and taken seriously.

Georgia: As an expectant parent, it’s great to see more of a change towards both men and women receiving equal rights. Finland now provides both men and women with seven months' maternity and paternity leave respectively, and there is a new European Union directive to promote paternity leave. It’s not always men that are favoured, so #EachforEqual is a great message for both genders.

Emma: I think it’s good to promote equal rights and moves IWD away from being seen as something only traditional feminists can be part of. Men and women should both reflect on what they can positively do. I like #EachforEqual.

Georgia: Very true, that’s how change happens.

Rich: Has your gender mattered in your experience of a multi-national business environment? And have these experiences changed over your lifetime?

Emma: Promotions are completely merit based and transparent here at EMEA. I am lucky. We’ve also got some very strong female role models, like Michelle Ewing, our NL Country Director.

Anna: I also thought of Michelle, in addition to Kelly Toms, our co-founder. Izabela all have senior roles here at EMEA, and our clients have very strong female role models, too that are inspiring.

Rich: Why do you say you are lucky?

Anna: The press and social media highlight so many statistics that make us feel like we are in the minority.

Rich: I know this is a controversial statement, but is this media hype or reality?

Anna: I think it’s reality. Multi-national businesses appear to have taken a very positive approach to encourage women, as well as Diversity & Inclusion policies. Laurence Debroux, Heineken’s CFO and board member, spoke wonderfully about it at an event we co-hosted. Her approach and experiences were very insightful. Unfortunately, I feel SMEs still need to gain greater awareness and need powerful female role models to learn from.

Emma: I have friends who have been negatively impacted in their workplaces because of their gender. It’s not media hype.

Georgia: The companies I have worked for have given me very positive experiences and, as a recruiter in Accountancy and Finance, I am seeing change to support diversity in hiring and striking a gender balance for more senior roles. However, although there is some great work happening, I also see a limited talent pool and pipeline, and I think more needs to be done to address this. 

Greater engagement and education for women and supporting diversity in this discipline should be encouraged. Again, I believe the Heineken/EMEA Recruitment Diversity & Inclusion event really showcased great processes that companies can adopt to make change happen. Although, I do wish more men were encouraged to attend!

Rich: I agree; to change everyone’s mindset, we need everyone at the table in these discussions. These events should feature men and women in equal numbers.

Rich: She Matters and EMEA Recruitment have teamed up in 2020. It’s a great initiative, but how do you hope it’s successful?

Georgia: She Matters helps women that have been massively impacted by world events. Supporting them on re-entering the workplace is a wonderful program. It really shows respect and appreciation. I’m proud EMEA Recruitment has invested time and resources into such a good cause.

Anna: I love She Matters’ pragmatic approach. Moving countries is so difficult, having experienced that myself. Finding a job is so hard, using a different language is so difficult and qualifications are different in each country. I’m proud we can use contacts at EMEA to help these women. Christina Moreno is also incredibly inspiring.

Rich: Emma, as our Corporate Social Responsibility Chairperson, you were instrumental in the team that helped EMEA connect with She Matters, how do you hope it’s successful?

Emma: I’m presenting at a Diversity & Inclusion event next week in Geneva at the Caterpillar offices with the Institute of Management Accountants. As part of this presentation, I will talk about unconscious bias and how we all have pre-conceived ideas of people based on their background. I feel the She Matters group looks beyond just women, but also looks at greater inclusion matters. Diversity & Inclusivity awareness is rising and that is brilliant!

Rich: As a male and Managing Director at EMEA Recruitment, what advice do you have for me to ensure everyone is treated equally on a day-to-day basis?

Emma: Don't assume anything! Never assume people want children or a certain career.

Georgia: We don’t want this question to need to exist!

Anna: Continue to develop the business according to new people, new characters that joined and will join EMEA. I’ve been lucky to work with EMEA twice. Very few people have the same hours now, and that’s a great sign of flexibility - this is evident with both genders. Just continue to be supportive.

Rich: Controversially, people are people, teams work better by having fun at work. Sometimes the joking amongst team members mocks one another’s shortcomings - it’s never offensive, but if it ever was, I would wish it to stop immediately. What advice do you have?

Emma: There is a big difference between light-hearted and offensive. This is so difficult, but most importantly, keep investing time and effort to bring strong teams together and make sure people know each other well. Keep a strong and open relationship with each team member, and you will be aware of any issues arising.

Georgia: Being singled out isn’t fair or correct. Light-hearted humour has a place in the office, but it’s important we all understand each other well. Management can encourage this by being transparent within a social environment.

Rich: How do you hope IWD progresses into the future?

Emma: I hope IWD ceases to exist once equality is achieved.

Anna: Yes, I agree!

Georgia: I hope the theme continues beyond just women, but IWD continuing would be a great reminder to all humans of those who have been impacted by prejudice.

That brings to a conclusion our International Women's Day roundtable. If you would like to read more about International Women's Day, please visit the website here

To read our previous IWD 2020 article from earlier this week, which discusses the important and inspirational work She Matters carries out, and the work EMEA is carrying out to widen the scope of their mission, click here.  

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International Women's Day 2020: 'She Matters' in Focus

International Women's Day 2020: 'She Matters' in Focus

This Sunday, the world will once again recognise International Women’s Day. In a first in a series of posts revolving around this key focal point in the equality calendar, EMEA Recruitment would like to once again shine a spotlight on the important mission She Matters carries out and outline the activities EMEA Recruitment are carrying out with them to enrich the lives of professional female refugees across Europe. 

Who are She Matters?

She Matters Recruitment is a social enterprise, founded by Christina Moreno, with a mission to empower companies with diverse talent and female refugees with employment. They specialise in the training and placement of engineering, architecture, business services and IT professionals - women who are ready and eager to enter the labour market. 

She Matters was founded by the inspirational Christina Moreno, an international lawyer who overcame poverty as a teenage mother in the USA. After seeing that female newcomers were not being supported in their host countries, she quit her job as a lawyer and dedicated her life to supporting these extraordinary women with regaining control of their lives. 

One of the key programmes within She Matters is the 12-week Lotus Flower Programme. With most women She Matters help into employment being newly-arrived professional refugees from war-torn and highly challenged countries, the Lotus Flower programme plays a vital role in providing participants with career guidance, mentorship and soft skills training, and takes them on a journey which gives them the necessary adaptations to working life.

EMEA Recruitment and She Matters

On 12th February 2020, EMEA Recruitment, Mercer and Strategic Dimensions came together at the Mercer office in London to deliver the 'Empower with Diverse Talent' event, spreading awareness of SheMatters’ mission of diversity and inclusion. The primary purpose of the event was to discuss She Matters’ launch in the UK and how other organisations can get involved with the initiative. EMEA Recruitment and its partners are hosting a similar event in Amsterdam in the next few months, and we encourage you to attend in order to support and assist the growth of She Matters’ important project. 

Make sure to keep up to date with events via our events page

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Country Director Promotion in EMEA's Netherlands Team

Country Director Promotion in EMEA's Netherlands Team

EMEA Recruitment are delighted to announce that Michelle Ewing has been promoted to Country Director for the Netherlands. Above, Michelle is pictured being congratulated by our Managing Director, Richard Bailey and our founder and co-owner, Paul Toms.


Michelle joined EMEA 6 years ago and has most recently been in the role of Switzerland Finance Division Director. Using her background in Finance recruitment, she has built an extensive network and has provided professional and confidential recruitment services across all finance disciplines in Switzerland. The testimonial below, from our #TestimonialTuesday series of posts demonstrates how Michelle’s clients really value the personable approach she brings to the recruitment process and how she really epitomises the EMEA values.


As Michelle leaves the Swiss division, we’d like to remind you that John Byrne is the Country Director for Switzerland. It is important to note that despite leaving the Swiss division, Michelle will continue to maintain and improve service levels in both the Netherlands and Switzerland divisions, and we’re sure that with her fantastic leadership skills, she will have great success!

Congratulations Michelle, we wish you the best of luck in your new role and we’re sure this will be another fantastic step in your career with EMEA Recruitment!

Looking for a new role in the Netherlands? Click here to see our latest vacancies across our disciplines.  



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Switzerland Remains in Lofty HDI Position in New Report

Switzerland Remains in Lofty HDI Position in New Report

Switzerland has maintained its place at the top of the Human Development Index in 2019, ranked in 2nd place behind only Norway for the second year running, and ahead of Ireland, Germany and Hong Kong.

According to SwissInfo, the list, released by the United Nations Development Programme, measures progress in three areas of human development: a long and healthy life, which is measured by life expectancy, access to knowledge, measured by mean years of education per capita and a decent standard of living, calculated through gross national income (GNI) per capita.

Even by the high standards set by other countries in the “very high human development group”, such as the United States, which stands in 15th place, Switzerland still remains above average, seeing a 6.1 years increase in life expectancy, 3.7 years increase in mean time spent in education and a GNI per capita increase of 20% between 1990 and 2018.  

However, it’s not fantastic news for everyone, as the UN Development Programme has warned global inequality levels are being affected by new factors, with broadband adoption rates and adult tertiary education rates being astronomically higher among those in countries with very high human development than their less developed counterparts.

In very highly developed nations such as Switzerland, with the ever-increasing percentage of individuals in jobs requiring tertiary education and rising GNI per capita, the likelihood for absenteeism and low productivity due to stress and work related mental-health issues has never been higher. The negative outcomes that this can have on both employees’ wellbeing and organisations in terms of hours lost, means that we must take great responsibility and put steps in place to prioritise corporate wellbeing, in order to secure a beneficial outcome for all.

EMEA Recruitment have recognised this and we are currently in the process of planning exciting events in 2020 around the topic of Corporate Wellbeing. We look forward to telling you more in the New Year!

To read the original article by SwissInfo, ‘Switzerland keeps a top slot in human development’, click here

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Promotion to Director for John Byrne

Promotion to Director for John Byrne

Huge congratulations to John Byrne who, we are delighted to announce, has been promoted to Director this week.  John joined EMEA Recruitment in 2015, setting up our Procurement & Supply Chain and Operations divisions in Switzerland and taking a lead role in expanding our client base in this arena. Here he is pictured being congratulated by Managing Director, Richard Bailey.
He has forged strong and long-standing relationships with multinational clients, with his honest and open approach, obtaining feedback such as the following testimonial received recently:
“John and I had the opportunity to collaborate on recruitment related topics recently. Having the experience of being a customer of various recruitment agencies, John has been one of the most professional, customer oriented and determined professionals I had the chance to work with. Thank you for all your valuable support, John. Your contribution to our recruitment process did make a huge difference.  I hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the near future.”
We have no doubt that John will continue to grow his divisions and wish him every success in his ongoing career with EMEA Recruitment. Enjoy your small bottle of wine!
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EMEA podcasts

The EMEA Recruitment podcast welcomes guests from across our network and beyond to share their career journeys, advice, and inspirational stories. 

We’re delighted to welcome Kathy Magee, Co-Founder, President and CEO of Operation Smile, to the EMEA Recruitment podcast. “You're changing a child's life, but you're also changing this world t

10 May 2024

We were delighted to welcome Terhi Nori, Global Lead for Project Workstream at ABB, onto the EMEA Recruitment podcast. “We create our own journey and our own story… it’s just a

30 Oct 2023

To celebrate World Menopause Day, we were honoured to welcome back Sally Higham, Director – Head of Talent Attraction at Lonza and Executive Menopause Coach, to the EMEA Recruitment podcast.

18 Oct 2023

Executive Interviews