
Hybrid Working & Wellbeing in the  Workplace - Embracing the New Normal

Hybrid Working & Wellbeing in the Workplace - Embracing the New Normal

“The recent Surgeon General report on Mental Health and Well-being reports 81% of workers say they will be looking for workplaces that support mental health in the future.”

Leaders are discussing how they can be deemed an employer of choice in the market, while taking into consideration the growing demand for a hybrid working model and promoting the importance of wellbeing to all, as we establish and adapt to post-pandemic working life.

Post-COVID life has taught many of us how to adapt amid chaos; to change the way we think about our working environment and to re-evaluate what employees value most throughout their careers.

Some believe a shift towards a hybrid working environment - with a focus on mental health and wellbeing, as a staple to the typical compensation & benefits offered - is well overdue and that COVID-19 accelerated the speed for this change, leaving companies unnerved with an increased demand for the new way of working.

Many enjoy the flexibility of working from home and the time saved by not commuting, while others have felt isolated and find it difficult to focus when alone, without peers in their office environment. Supporting hybrid working employees is what businesses are finding most challenging.

“WFH was not particularly prevalent in the euro area before the onset of the pandemic in March 2020. According to Eurostat data, 85% of employees had never worked from home in 2019, a small decrease from 92% in 2000. The COVID-19 shock led to a sudden increase in demand for WFH policies that would allow the majority of employees to work from home at least once per week.”

- European Central Bank

The workforce has spoken and continues to say that working an odd day from home is no longer a perk of the job, but is indispensable. Where some companies were reactive in putting measures in place for colleagues to work from home, it is now considered the new normal - not an exception.

Some businesses, however, continue to request that colleagues work in their office environment full time, which now begins to feel redundant given the current market.

What are the benefits to working from home?

  • Better work-life balance
  • Less commute time
  • Improved inclusivity
  • Cost saving due to reduced travel
  • Positive impact on sustainability
  • Improved wellbeing & mental health
  • Increased productivity & performance due to lack of distractions

Of course, there are benefits to working in the office:

  • Making friendships & connections with others, with increased camaraderie
  • A feeling of purpose & belonging
  • The improved collaborative way of working
  • A smoother & more efficient onboarding process
  • No barriers - colleagues are more easily accessible when within reach of each other
  • Business incentives/perks in the office

In light of the above, it is worth asking the question: How do we create an environment for all, so all feel welcomed and comfortable to work from home if they choose to, as well as work in the office, while ensuring engagement and productivity remain high?

Equally, gone are the days where employees worked relentlessly and tirelessly to get the job done. Candidates, especially, are on the lookout for companies that are creating workplaces that value mental health and wellbeing, and are setting boundaries for themselves, to ensure their work-life balance remains intact throughout their career.

Does your business promote a flexible working environment that candidates are looking for?

Do you stand out in the market as an employer of choice?

If you would like to explore any of these topics in more detail, please reach out to Katie Insley, Associate Director in our HR recruitment team, for a confidential discussion: [email protected] 

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Procurement & Finance in Partnership

Procurement & Finance in Partnership

We often see a natural synergy between Procurement and Finance, with both functions contributing to the financial wellbeing of an organisation - albeit their areas of focus are distinct.

Over time, businesses have recognised the importance of aligning Procurement and Finance functions to achieve common business goals, optimise financial performance, and enhance resource management. This has led to increased collaboration and a recognition of the interdependencies between the two functions.

Following recent economic pressures and Supply Chain disruption, we have seen that it is more apparent than ever that the relationship between Procurement and Finance needs to be leveraged to its full extent to ensure business success.

We see collaborations between the functions, in terms of shared skills and qualities required for success in both roles. By recognising these shared competencies, organisations can create a cohesive and efficient team that collaborates effectively to drive financial performance and Procurement success.

For the most successful organisations, Procurement jobs are no longer seen as a branch of Finance, but a genuine business partner and critical heart of Finance-related decisions.

Would you be interested in an event focusing on how Procurement and Finance functions can adapt and grow together for the future? Please reach out to Sasha Gill, Senior Consultant, to share your thoughts: [email protected]

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EMEA Recruitment logo

EMEA Recruitment: The Bastion of People-First Recruitment

After celebrating 15 years in professional services recruitment, we are delighted to unveil a new era of EMEA Recruitment as the bastion of people-first recruitment.

In 2022, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of EMEA Recruitment. Since we were founded by Paul and Kelly Toms in 2007, we have always focused on building strong relationships with clients and candidates across Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Nordics, and the wider EMEA region.

Having been established for 15 years, during which time we have expanded into new disciplines and markets, we felt that the time was right to re-develop our vision and values to reflect where EMEA Recruitment is now.

Our people-first approach has been fundamental in becoming a strategic partner to some of the most reputable businesses in the world and a trusted advisor to our candidates. Moving forward, Paul wanted this to be the focus of our mission – to become the bastion of people-first recruitment.

While discussing and debating our renewed vision and values, the team listened to one another, challenged each other’s ideas, and championed the collective message. This process followed the methods our Consultants use when working with candidates and clients, thus creating our three core values:

  • Listen
  • Challenge
  • Champion

To reflect this new mission for the business, we also decided to tweak the EMEA Recruitment brand with a fresh look.

Our new logo, colour palette and website honour the brand that we have built over the last 15 years, while signalling our renewed focus on people-first recruitment.

Richard Bailey, our Managing Director, says: “I’m really excited that our new website is going live, which features our new branding and values. Over the past 15 years, we have been incredibly proud of the relationships and networks our team have generated.

“We have taken time to listen to our team, our candidates, and our clients on how we can further add more value in recruitment. Our strategy continues to provide the best recruitment experience for everyone, and we remain committed to training our team and building our network with partners, clients, and candidates.”

He adds: “Recruitment is fundamentally a brokerage of people working with people. Putting people first is essential. A person’s skills can be measurable, managed and developed, but how influential are they within their teams? Or how good a leader or team-player are they? This requires a well-trained Recruitment Consultant to understand each personality and match good people with good career opportunities.

“We are proud to have worked with some of the biggest brands globally, and have helped them develop strong and diverse teams. We look forward to the future, as we build networks to further advance our clients’ and candidates’ ambitions.”  

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Q2 2023: Procurement & Supply Chain Recruitment Market Update - Switzerland

Q2 2023: Procurement & Supply Chain Recruitment Market Update - Switzerland

As we continue into 2023, Neil Cope, Manager of Procurement & Supply Chain, shares an insight into the Procurement & Supply Chain recruitment market in Switzerland...

We continue to see a buoyant jobs market in Switzerland, particularly within the Procurement, Supply Chain and Operations recruitment space. Competition therefore remains high; candidates have heightened leverage and, thus, it is more important than ever for businesses to offer competitive packages in 2023.

This is highlighted in the ongoing upward trend of not only higher salary demands, but also a strong focus on other Employee Value Proposition factors – such as substantial home office options, company/corporate culture and value considerations (such as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), career progression opportunities and other benefits outside of the base salary (gym memberships, half fare travel cards, lunch vouchers, etc.).

Our Consultants are also reporting a further push on what may be described as the ‘squeezed middle’ – a combination of mid-management level positions or roles where a strategic and leadership element is at the forefront, but often is combined with a desire for candidates with an operational background and hands-on practical experience. This sector of the market is running exceptionally hot, and is expected to drive growth and job flow throughout 2023.

If you are hiring and facing challenges on talent attraction in line with the above, or are open to new opportunities yourself and wish to talk through the market, please reach out to me at [email protected]

Events & Networking

We continue to see the popularity of both in-person and virtual networking events. Our network is continually feeding back a desire to attend these events and there is a general consensus that they are critical for success in today's competitive work environment.

Networking can help you expand your knowledge, opportunities and relationships, and enhance your fields of understanding.

22nd June - Save the date!

EMEA Recruitment has a joint event with CSCMP Switzerland Roundtable on 22nd June, where we will be helping explore the topic of Supply Chain recruitment, skills and people. EMEA will be among the professional presenters at this event to give a market overview of Supply Chain skills, demands and trends across Switzerland.

Please get in touch with me ([email protected]) and let know if there any areas you would like us to explore specifically.

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The Key to Success in Today's Recruitment Market

The Key to Success in Today's Recruitment Market

Thomas Powell, Recruitment Consultant, takes a look at the Finance and Accountancy recruitment market in the Netherlands and shares the key to success...

In today’s recruitment market, demand for talent is heavily restricted and continues to be candidate driven across the junior to senior level.  

To be at the top of the competition, it is crucial for you, as the hiring manager, to offer the candidate the right opportunity with clear plans of progression - not a sidestep where they are doing the same role for more reward.

We are noticing that the biggest motivation to move in today’s market falls to the following:

  • Lack of responsibility in their current role - in turn, looking to move to take on more responsibility and have each day be a new challenge where they learn and add value to a company
  • Looking for progression, wanting the step up - candidates in the mid to senior market are constantly looking for the step up in their career and will rarely make the sidestep for additional compensation

How can you do this when recruiting into your team?

First, what profile are you looking for? If you have a strong desire for a particular level of experience in local reporting, you know this is non-negotiable for your business.

However, think about why someone who does this role already would move to your company to do the same role. Think of ways this person can progress and move up in the company.

To retain the best talent in your company, this is what you need to be outlining. This is where you sell yourself to the candidate.

As recruiters, we hear, “This role will have progression opportunities” all the time. Be direct about what progression opportunities are available and ask the question of why the candidate should move.

Secondly, identify a success story. If you have a profile that may fall slightly below the criteria - maybe they don’t hold enough Dutch GAAP or don’t have enough payroll processing experience - offer the training and development to the candidate.

While this can take time, look at how attractive your role becomes and look at the success story you can create in your company. You as the manager have achieved this and, in turn, this profile is likely to stay with your business in the long term, given the time and value you have invested in them.

This is where EMEA Recruitment can add value. We are a candidate-driven business and skilled in mapping the candidate’s motivation to the right business, where they will add value to your organisation and thrive.

If you’d like to speak to me about how we can assist you in your search for talent, please get in touch with me at [email protected]

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10-Minute Interview: Running the London Marathon for Operation Smile

10-Minute Interview: Running the London Marathon for Operation Smile

It’s now under a week to go until Neil Cope, Manager of our Procurement & Supply Chain recruitment division in Zug, runs the London Marathon on behalf of Operation Smile.

Neil sat down with Tamika Gayle, Marketing Executive, to discuss his training regime, what he’ll be thinking about as he runs, and whether he’d do it again.

How do you currently feel about running the London Marathon for EMEA Recruitment & Operation Smile?

I’m excited, as it’s my first marathon. I’ve been a recreational runner for a long time and have always liked it. My main aim is to just get around and finish!

How long have you been running for?

Through childhood, but more through other sports, such as football predominantly. When I was at school, I was doing cross country; for sports day, I did the 1,500m races instead of the 100m sprints.

After that, I went on to play a lot of football in my 20s, and then in my mid-20s, I started to prioritise running more.

What has been the hardest thing in preparing for the marathon?

The hardest thing has probably been injury management and the combination of adapting my training for the distance. I’ve completed three half marathons previously, but not recently.

Adjusting from a recreational 5k/10k/10-mile run is obviously a huge difference when preparing for 26 miles.

Have you always run long distance?

Yes, I have always run long distance - 5k to 10k is more middle distance, but that’s debatable. I have always liked endurance sports and long distance, whether it’s cycling or running.

Have you ever run a marathon before?

I’ve never done full marathon before, although I have done the Robin Hood half marathon twice and the Worksop half marathon twice, as well.

I completed the Worksop half marathon in October 2018/19 in one hour, 19 mins and 58 secs, which is my personal best. Unfortunately, in current conditions, I won’t be able to copy that pace, but hopefully I will be able to one day.

Has it been more of a physical or mental challenge for you so far?

It’s been more of a mental challenge - deciding what to do on the weekend, whether it is cycling or running, does take up half your day.

How many miles do you think you’ve run in preparation for this marathon?

Not enough to be honest – but there is still a bit of time. I’m averaging 20 to 30 miles a week. To manage a bit of cross training, I have been cycling on average three to five hours a week on top of that.

What completion time are you aiming for?

Three-and-a-half hours would be ideal. I would be annoyed if it took any longer from a boredom point of view. Eight minutes per mile is my aim.

What do you think about as you are running?

I’m a bit of a daydreamer. I also like changing routes, so I think about the route and the different surroundings. Sometimes, I listen to football-related podcasts, think about work and home life - that sort of thing.

What has been your main motivation for running?

I’m expecting a child later in the year, so I’m keen to finish a marathon before the baby arrives!

What will you do to celebrate after you cross the finish line?

Other than stagger towards the finishing area, I would like to go for a drink and something to eat together with my partner and my colleagues from EMEA, who will be there supporting me.

Would you be up for doing it all over again?

At this point, I would say yes – although I’d probably change that answer at the finish line! I would like to get the injury in my Achilles sorted first though.

I would also love to do a sub-three-hour marathon once in my life.

What advice would you give to aspiring marathon runners or anyone who would like to start running?

In my opinion, running is the best thing you can do for yourself as a human being and for a healthy lifestyle.

Running is simple and the easiest exercise you can do - you don’t need any assistance from a machine or a bike. It’s also anti-aging!

If you’re able to support Neil, please donate to Operation Smile:

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EMEA podcasts

The EMEA Recruitment podcast welcomes guests from across our network and beyond to share their career journeys, advice, and inspirational stories. 

We’re delighted to welcome Kathy Magee, Co-Founder, President and CEO of Operation Smile, to the EMEA Recruitment podcast. “You're changing a child's life, but you're also changing this world t

10 May 2024

We were delighted to welcome Terhi Nori, Global Lead for Project Workstream at ABB, onto the EMEA Recruitment podcast. “We create our own journey and our own story… it’s just a

30 Oct 2023

To celebrate World Menopause Day, we were honoured to welcome back Sally Higham, Director – Head of Talent Attraction at Lonza and Executive Menopause Coach, to the EMEA Recruitment podcast.

18 Oct 2023

Executive Interviews